Wednesday, 6 March 2013

A clear winner, reading with new friends, we are a little wiser, Aussie Rules AND a Haka?

Term 1 Week 6

A clear winner, reading with new friends, we are a little wiser, Aussie Rules AND a Haka?

Inquiry Update

Juanpablo and Nikki were happy to disagree
This week we broke it down to 3 possible designs for the sign at the entrance to the teacher's carpark. In groups we wrote a proposal for each of the three and then all of Room one and two voted. The result was clear cut. 23 students preferred the sign to have a car picture with a green tick and the words STAFF ONLY underneath. It left the walking man with a red cross and the big painted sign on the concrete options for dust with 6 and 7 votes each. 
Then we talked to Whaea Barb about how much money we might be allowed to create our sign (this is very important and means the difference between this being a viable solution or not). She said she would be able to find $100 for us to build and make our sign if that becomes our solution. We all thought that sounded like a lot of money but we won't really know if is enough until we do some more research into materials and maybe even companies that might help us create our sign. 

Whaea Barb tells us that we could have $100 to make our sign.

Reading with Room 11

In the Afternoon on Monday we reread our reading books with Room 11, the senior class of the Summerville School satellite unit. It went really well and we got a lot out of hearing them read and having them listen to us.

Mina and Jaeda listening to Reuban

Tale listening very closely

Larkin is saying his letter names and sounds

We are a little bit Wiser now

On Tuesday Room 2 had the privilege of meeting & watching at work renowned American born, Canadian based graffiti artist ‘Wiser’. He is visiting NZ to teach some workshops and we watched him in the process of creating 3 works for Sylvia Park School.

'Wiser at work creating 'Love Life'

Aussie Rules

Gizelle making sure she has 'laces away from faces'
We have begun our six weeks of specialist coaching in Aussie Rules! It is a great game, the ball is the perfect size for us and the students have already experienced success when they participated in training exercises and were taught the first skill of how to drop-punt. Rebecca and Brendan are our coaches and they are awesome to work with!
Juanpablo practising his drop-punt

'Punt the coach' - some of us suddenly had
VERY good aim!

Listening to coach Brendan

Time with Matua on Wednesday

Learning the next part of Haka o Sylvia Park

Haka o Sylvia Park
Listen to us...
Bring on (let us welcome) the pride, the specialness and the awesomeness
Tamaki is the river
Maungarei and Mutukāroa are the mountains
Ngāti Whatua, Ngati Paoa and Ngati Maru are the guardians of this area
(and so) join the old world with the new world
Unite all of us the many descendants of our ancestors
This is us Sylvia Park School who stand before you and greet you
Our hearts have been planted with values that enable us to carry out our various tasks and responsibilities on the basis of correctness, justice and compassion to one another
Therefore, nurture us, guide us to walk the path of neverending education so that we may stand proudly and confidently in tomorrow’s world.

E Rongo whakairia ki runga kia tina – Tina!
Haumi e, hui e, tāiki e!
Whakarongo mai rā, whakarongo mai rā
Nau mai rā te ihi, te tapu, te wehi e

Ko Tāmaki te awa,
Ko Maungarei, ko Mutukāroa ngā maunga
Ko Ngāti Whātua, ko Ngāti Paoa, ko Ngāti Maru ngā kaipupuri o te mana o te whenua nei
Honoa te ao kōhatu ki te ao hurihuri,
Whakakotahingia hoki mātou ngā kākano o ngā tūpuna
Tēnei mātou Te Kura o Te Puna Waiora e tū ake nei, te mihi atu nei ki a koutou e
Kua whakatōkia ō mātou ngākau ki ngā tikanga e kawea ai ā mātou mahi katoa i roto i te tika, te pono me te aroha anō o tētahi ki tētahi.
Nō reira, poipoia, arahina hoki mātou
kia hīkoitia te ara o te mātauranga mō ake tonu atu
Kia tū tangata ai mātou i te ao o āpōpō e

E Rongo whakairia ki runga kia tina – Tina!
Haumi e, hui e, tāiki e!

If you get a chance read through the Haka and english translation and see if your children can show you what they have learned so far.

Have a lovely end to your week 

Whaea Emma and the Room 2 Crew.

Reuban and Wils happily buddy reading
sitting on their 'reading spots'.


  1. You squeeze a lot of fun and learning into one week Room 2!

  2. WOW! What a week you have had Room 2!! Your class looks so busy, busy, busy with all that fantastic learning happening in AND out of the classroom!

  3. Room 2 you are a bunch of champions! I'm coming to watch you play AFL next time because it looks like so much fun!


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