In this blog you will read about the softball tournament, a lock down drill and Art with Whaea Dagmar.
Week 4 - What's the score?

My name is Chiko and I was chosen to represent Sylvia Park School and Room 17 at the Softball tournament. It was fun because all of us were good team mates and good sportsmen, even though some of the pitches made us frustrated. Moe was cheering us on and being a good role model and when he turned on his music everyone was singing. In each game I got 1 or 2 home runs and on my last home run I hit the home base and I bowled the backstop over and he went rolling.
By Chiko Pitman Edwards
A Day at the Year 5 & 6 Softball Tamaki cluster Tournament.
On Wednesday the 25th of February some of the year 5 & 6's went to Room 22 to get their uniform on. It looked like it was pink at the top and maroon at the bottom. We popped the softball gear in Whaea Dagmar's car, we tried to fit it many ways until we got it all in. The year 6s went in a taxi van and the year 5s went with Mr C and Moe. When we got there we saw all of the school's tents set up so we set up ours - it was hot already. After about ten minutes we got ready for our first game. We played really well. We swung the bat as hard as we could until we got to the end it was a draw and the score was 5 to 5. I thought we had won until Mr C told us the score. That was a pretty good score for our first game.
By Maedana Langi
The tournament was at Dunkirk Park & we set up the tent, then we went straight towards our first game.
We were ready to start the tournament as the best school in the whole entire world Sylvia Park School vs the school called Saint Patricks.
First up from Sylvia Park School to hit the ball miles away was Malachai, when the pitcher pitches the ball BANG! It was a home run.
The year 6’s came 3rd and lost two games but won three. The year 5’s came second - awesome stuff. At one point the year 6s were watching the year 5s playing their game, all of a sudden I saw Cassidy make a homerun - it was spectacular!
Everybody was cheering on everybody at the tournament.
After we all finished our last game we all took our bags and waited up on the hill some of us helped pack up the gear.
Now that’s my story for today guys.
By Richie Robinson
Week 4 - on the floor.
A Lock Down Drill
We had a lock down emergency drill at school on Thursday morning. Some of us felt inspired and wrote about the experience.
It was a lovely morning but as soon as the bell went…
“ring”...”ring”...”ring”... we all started to run around. Whaea Emma said “it’s just a drill” but I wasn't sure as I fell to the floor. PANICKING! I went “BANG!!” on the floor as hard as a rock while trying to crawl to the door.
By Levi Maiava
When it was my turn to talk about softball - it happened! Suddenly the bell went off and on over and over. A Lock Down! I saw a shadow reach and open the door. It was Whaea Barb - she said the drill was over.
By Cassidy McMaster
Our teacher Whaea Emma did the roll Kevin, J.T and so forth, everyone was safe.
A shadow peered through the window and my heart beat faster. It only slowed when I realized that I recognized her towering face.
By Nia Fepuleai
As soon as that bell rang I became so paranoid we all ran in fear to the middle of the room,and lay on our tummies. Whaea Emma started a roll call to see if we were safe. Suddenly a terrifying shadow appeared through our windows, glad we knew who it was. Glad we were safe and now prepared for anything.
By Nesi Moala
Week 4 - watch us draw!

Hi my name is Opeti and I get to tell you about art with Whaea Dagmar.

By ‘Opeti Vaihola
Principal's award
Term One Week Four
Chiko Pitman Edwards
For representing us in style at an interschool softball tournament, writing about it for the blog and great confident contributions to inquiry discussions.
Chiko also received the Senior Sports Award this week for his sportsmanship at softball.