Sunday, 30 November 2014

Our Inquiry Outcome!!

How to make a rainwater harvester
A procedural text by Teua
You will need.
  • pipe
  • nails
  • hammer
  • saw
  • timber
  • metal holder
  • big black drum
  • river stone
  • screws
  • trolley
  • hose
  • sand paper
  • show heading
  • roof
  • stand
  • sun
  • ruler tape

   What you do.
  1. you have to find some timber and cut it and then get some nails and a hammer  then if your finish you have to put
some timber up top because if you don't put they timber up top it will go down.
2. Trim the sides with a saw then nail the top timber up top.

  1. Put the stand up side down then get the trolley  then drive it to where the big black drum is then stack the stand of and put it up and
  2. Then get the big black drum and put a whole though the drum so that the water goes into it when it rains.
  3. Then get a hose and attach it to the hose  
  4. Nail it to the wall then put a bin on it then you are finished.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Athletics Day

Athletics acrostic poem
                     Acrostic poem by Julius Korey.
Awesome 200  
metre run.
Tiring 400 metre run
Hard as hurdles
Laughing at myself
Entertainment on relays
Timed discus   
I’m so tired
Cross country
So glad it’s over

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Lolly Cake Procedural Text

How to make lolly cake

A Procedural text by Monica
List of Equipment:
Big bowl
small bowl
wooden spoon
cling wrap
snaplock bag {2x}
chopping board {2x}
can opener

List of Ingredients:
125 grams of butter
sweetened condensed milk
malt biscuits half of a pack
bags of lollies one half

Process (What to Do)

  1. wash your hands and dry your hands.
  2. cut one quarter of 125 grams of butter.
  3. put the butter in the small bowl.

  1. get half of the biscuits in the snap wrap and put in the biscuits and close the wrap and get the spoon and bang it on the wrap.

  1. get the boiling water and pour it into the big bowl then you put the little bowl into the big bowl until the butter melts
  2. get the spoon and mix it to help the butter
  3. open the banana lollies and get half of it on the chopping board cut them into quarters.
  4. get the small bowl out of the of the big bowl and pour the water out of the bowl.
  5. Spill the butter into the big bowl and the biscuits and the banana lollies into the big bowl.
  6. mix it altogether and try to crush some of the of the biscuits.
  7. wash the small bowl so it has nothing.
  8. use the can opener to open the condensed milk and pour half of the condensed milk into the big bowl and mix it until it is altogether.
  9. get another clean chopping board and get the cling wrap and put it on the chopping board so it is flat.
  10. spill the ingredients on the cling wrap the glad wrap over it so it is sticked together.
  11. make sure theres no holes then put another glad wrap around it.
  12. Put it in the fridge then eat it.  

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Julius Korey on Ernest Rutherford

My science book - a ticket to new learning.
A Blog Post by Julius Korey

My book that I read this week with my reading group was about four great scientists. In this blog post I will be writing about Ernest Rutherford one of the greatest scientists in New Zealand. There might even be a picture of him in your pocket right now. We are doing a science inquiry at the moment and I am really engaged in it - which has got me thinking… am I the next Ernest Rutherford?

Ernest Rutherford was the first person to create a nuclear reaction. Which is when an atom (a nuclear structure) is mixed with a subatomic particle (such as a proton or neutron) and it splits. He did this using his machine that he invented to fire alpha particles.

This all sounds very complex, like a complex sentence, but if you are passionate about something and focus hard on it you can do anything. Even split an atom.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

It's time to investigate.

Room 17’s Scientific Method

                                                           by Julius and Golpy
1. Ask a question.
(example - What is the effect of the energy from the sun on coloured containers?)
2. Form a hypothesis
(make an educated guess)
3.  Test your hypothesis
(design an experiment that will see if you are right)
4.Gather data.
(record the data - measurable numbers or observations)
5. What did you notice?
(What does the data tell you?)
6.Write conclusion
(Combine your data and statements about what you have learned into a clear summary)
7.Share results.
(Share your learning with others)

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Being Sunsmart is a serious business

Talking to a Melanoma Survivor
We phoned Whaea Emma’s Aunty and put her on speaker to ask her some questions and listen to her story.

What is Aunty Sarah’s Story?

  • She got Melanoma
  • She was 23 when she got it
  • She had a mole at the back of her leg
  • It all started with that mole
  • It wasn’t even itchy
  • She went to the doctor early
  • They had to cut the mole off
  • She was very lucky
  • she is a survivor

What have we learned from talking to her?

  • Cover up when you go in the sun
  • Don’t stay in the sun too long
  • Check the weather and be prepared
  • Check the UV rating
  • look after your skin because you only get one
  • Stay in the shade
  • Wear the right clothing
  • be careful in the sun
  • Don’t underestimate the sun
  • Check suspicious moles with the mole doctor
  • Any changes to your skin see the doctor

Thursday, 6 November 2014

It's Conservation Week... here is what you can do!

 Room 17’s Summary of Recommendations for
Conservation Week 2014

Discover the world where you live

Throughout the week we have been reading and writing about conservation and sustainability topics. We are also learning to summarise at the moment, so here are a collection of summaries made into recommendations for the humans that we share this planet with.


Reason for this recommendation


Never ever put anything but water down a storm water drain.
I read that it can get clogged and it leads to the sea and it will kill the fish if they come in contact with it.
Don’t squash Bees
I read that less bees mean less honey.
Don’t destroy forests
I read that if we continue to destroy and burn our forests species of plants, animals and insects will be lost forever.
Keep growing flowers
I read that to grow more flowers so we can make honey and beewax.
Don’t kill Bees
I read that bees are responsible for pollinating about one-sixth of the flowering plant species.
Making waste
I read that rubbish is harming earth.When it breaks down,chemicals can release and pollute the ground.  
Stop Wasting Water
I read that more water we use, the less money we have to pay for bills.
Don’t use a lot of electricity
I read that if the more electricity you use the more you have to pay for it and the more energy it takes to make it.
Make your own honey
I have read that you can make your own honey and you can stop wasting your money, wasting plastic packaging and the carbon it takes to drive the track to deliver the honey to the supermarket.
Trained and competent captains and navigation officers for all cargo ships. Fully equipped ships with working navigation systems.
I have read that the captains of the Rena Ship caused the horrific spill of the oil because they didn't have any maps and when the system was going down they thought it would be fine “NO” it wasn't so make sure you be prepared before you leave anywhere.
Adriana and Julius
Don’t waste a lot of food
I read that if you have a lot of food don’t go and buy some more - eat what you have and save the energy it takes to grow it (and petrol it takes to drive to the supermarket)!
The Future
I read that people share earth with millions of species and the way we live could affect their living.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
I have read that people should reuse the amount of things that are made from trees because the more you waste the less oxygen.
Pick up rubbish and put it in the bin
I read a story where Jack and Kate chucked rubbish into the drain and it got clogged and it overflowed and they had to get a digger and pull out the rubbish.
Do not  pick flowers
I read that to not pick flowers so bees can feed and make honey and beeswax.
Leave cats inside
Cats kill more native animals than rats and mice so leave your cats inside so that they can leave our native birds alone!
Harnessing the wind
I read that the wind is a powerful force  we can also make amazing energy by being converted into electricity by wind turbines.