Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Netball is Neat, nifty and number one in Room 17!


We have netball training this term. We have it every Wednesday after morning tea and our couch is very nice. We do warm ups before we start playing and all participate and give it a go.
Written by Mitchy and Teua. 

In netball we have learned how to protect the goal and learned how to pass like a pro. Now we know how to run properly and have learned how to dodge the ball. this week we have been focussing on how to defend and last week we looked very closely at shooting. 
Written by Golpy

I am going to blog about the games we play. Pac man is a game that your class could play. First you have to get into two teams. Then one team is blocking the way to the other side so that means that you have to try to get to the other side but the team that is blocking can only go side ways, by side stepping. I got through by waiting until they were all distracted. Good luck for that game!
The tails game is a very active game. First half of the students tuck bibs into their waistband and then when the teacher says go you must protect your bib while others try to steal it. Whoever gets the most bibs wins. 
Written by Malachai

We have netball on Wednesday because there is a group of year 5 and 6 playing in a tournament on the 5th week of term 2. We like netball so we can practice and learn more more skills and we can win and maybe one day get a trophy. 
Written by Ahi.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014


Term Two Week Three

Art with Whaea Dagmar


Top 5 reasons Chuck Close is a good Citizen.
  1. He overcame his learning disability and figured out a way to work around it.
  2. He overcame his physical challenges of being in a wheel chair and having limited movement.
  3. Followed his creative dream even though everyone said it wasn't the thing to do.
  4. He uses other knowledge like maths to help him with his art.
  5. He doesn't see himself as a role model or hero but helps other people to see that they can recover from something and get on with what they love.

Whaea Dagmar talked to us about
Chuck Close as a citizen and about
his challenges as an artist.
We spent time practising drawing
shapes and lines and learning new
vocabulary like vertical, diagonal and
We learned to be precise with
our mark making.

Whaea Dagmar photocopied a grid over our
photographs and then we used the windows like
light boxes to trace the outline of our faces
onto the grid.

Liana's work
Monica's work
I have chosen to colour my hair peach and brown because it is quite neutral. I think that crosshatching patterns symbolise our class being bound together - Liana

I used hot and cold colours because I wanted to show the contrast and I
used some patterns from my Tongan Culture to help me design each square - Monica

I used green and brown curved lines to show how my hair goes to the side - Sharon

Sharon's work
Emily's work
I used dark and light together for my skin because blue is a relaxing colour. Red and green make up my uniform because it is bright and similar to my uniform colour - Emily

Thank you for reading our blog this week. The students who contributed to this blog were Emily, Sharon, Liana, Monica, Trent, and Ariana. Special thanks to Whaea Dagmar for helping us get UP CLOSE with CHUCK CLOSE!

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Delving into our digital world

Term Two Week Two

Delving into our digital world

Welcome to week two! This week we have started writing character descriptions, started talking about digital citizenship and finished reading our novel, we hope you enjoy our blog. by Danina


Our Inquiry into what makes a a good digital citizen is continuing and we watched a VIDEO for 8-10 year olds on the importance of safe digital citizenship.

What did I learn from the video?

  1. Not to talk to people online that I don't know.
  2. Not to post photos online that you wouldn't be happy if your parents saw.
  3. Check your profile is private on facebook.
  4. Not to be overly attached to your online profile.
By Charlize


This week we finished our book that Whaea Emma reads to us after lunch called The 13 storey treehouse written by Andy Griffiths and illustrated by Terry Denton. It has a bowling alley, lemonade fountain and a tank of man eating sharks! Check out this video taster! We are going to read the rest of the series. Here is your challenge... if the last book in the series (so far) is the 39 storey treehouse then how many books are in the series so far? Write your answer in the comments box. 
by Aifala


We have been doing some neat activities to get our writing juices flowing as we have started writing character descriptions.
We had 5 mins to independently create lists under these headings.

Things that are slow...

  • The internet when I go on the computer
  • my mum
  • My imaginary brother
  • My chapter book
  • Me getting dressed in the morning
  • time
  • learning rounding and compensating strategy
  • doing my hair
  • chickens crossing the road
Things that are red...
  • Paint
  • Crayon
  • Clothes
  • Lipstick
  • Tomato sauce 
  • Someone getting angry
  • When you hurt yourself
  • 1B5 books
  • a babies bottom if you don't use nappy cream
  • itchy bites
Try making a list in the comments box of things that are yellow, noisy things or things that are cold.
Co-constructed by Room 17

Last Week's Principal's award went to Nidhi for her great classroom citizenship.

This week's blog was put together by Charlize, Trent, Emily, Aifala, Danina and I (Justin). Thank you for reading it and we look forward to contributing to next week's one too.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Term Two - Room 17 Citizens in charge!

Term Two Week One
Welcome back to term two! This term we are learning how to become better citizens in the world we live in.

Our Inquiry Statement is;
Better Citizens for a Digital Today.

Our Question is;
How can we use digital tools to become better citizens?


Lance O'Sullivan

This week we have been learning about Lance O'Sullivan, New Zealander of the year. He won this amazing award because he inspires people to believe in themselves. He is commited to the community cause he doesn't care about himself, he cares for the community. He helps people that have no money young or old to go to the doctors.  So instead of them going to the doctors he goes to them and he won't let them pay. He is determined to help people and he is a big inspiration to little children to chase their dreams.
by Aifala

Snake and Lizard 

Room 17 then looked into Snake and Lizard by Joy Cowley which we read last term. We decided to think about the two main characters in terms of their citizenship of the desert. They are loveable foolish pair who are very different but in the end work together to find a way to help others. We can learn from them that you can't always get it right the first time and becoming a good citizen is about growing and changing.
by Julius

Statistical Investigation

This week Room 17 has begun our statistics unit. We started off by doing a statistical investigation into what social media the teachers at SPS use so that Whaea Emma could see what we know about statistics. It was so interesting. Firstly Eneio, Mitchy and I, Sione walked around the school and asked the teachers what social media they use. We filled in a tally chart to collect the data. We we came back to class with the results or raw data. We added up the totals by counting in fives and then counting on and we all decided that we thought the data would be best presented in a bar graph. After we had finished our bar graphs we looked at each others and thought about what makes a bar graph accurate. The next and most important thing about statistical investigations is drawing conclusions and making statements so that everyone can see how you interpreted the data. We found out that Facebook was the most popular because 19 out of 20 teachers use it. Facebook was over three times more popular than Instagram which is only used by 5 people. Snap Chat, with 3 points was the least used.
by Sione

Some of the Blogging team brainstorming
and writing their drafts.

Here are the people who contributed to the blog this week; Sione, Emily, Aifala, Julius, and myself Trent. Doing this blog by ourselves was so enjoyable. Thank you for reading room 17's blog we hope to see you next week.